Sunday, 22 January 2012

Butternut squash, pancetta and sage risotto

Today I wanted to use my new pan. Its a proper chef's pan. I've suffered for too long not being able to slowly cook (sweat) onions as required my almost every recipe I do... endless frustration... so even though I'm totally broke post Christmas I brought it, and its worth every overdrawn penny!

OK, what dish is the slow cooking of onions important? Risotto, of course!

I love risotto. The first 'posh' and 'exotic' dish I learnt to cook. I've been cooking it for 18 years now - scary! Its been a long learning process, and the day I realised how to read the rice to get that cooked with a slight crunch effect was like an epiphany... like those days when everything you do just seems to go right... puts a smile on your face.

Butternut squash, pancetta and sage risotto
Based on, but with pancetta for extra flavour (and to keep Ken happy!).

Time taken to make - 1hr. Time taken to eat - 5 mins :-)